jay nemor "come on go with me" kestrel

coming at you hard with a brand new release, thats moved away from or usual unissued releases. DJ Rude Lead played me a demo he and Tom Noble from Superior Elevation cooked up whist Tom was in Norway deejaying. They hooked up for a late night jam session, with creative juices flowing they conjured up a great backing track.
They approached in demand vocals of Jay Nemor from the states., who laid over some killer sultry lyrics and tones. producing "Come on go with me"
The song was only in demo form, so Super Disco Edits in house engineer Matt Fletcher and Owner of Super Disco Edits Russell Paine gave the song the boost and heaviness it desired!
For the b-side we wanted to produce something like Sly slick and wicked's "The prophet" on epic records. That's a rare flip of their track "All i want is you"
Matt Fletcher who also had a great history playing keyboards for pop group Bros back in the 1980's done a great job matching the vocal melodies of the A-side.
We really are pleased with the result, thats cut super loud and sounds awesome over a big system.